
Select Extension/App (for Custom Field only)

The Select Extension/App allows you to add the prebuilt extension/app to your Content Type by using the Custom field. To select an extension or app, log in to your Contentstack account, open your stack, and perform the following steps:

  1. Go to Content Models and create a new Content Type by clicking on the “+ New Content Type” button. Fill in the required details on the pop-up that comes.
  2. Once the Content Type is created, add the required fields along with the Custom field. Please note that the Title field is the default field for every Content Type.
  3. In the Custom Properties modal, add the extension/app you want under Select Extension/Apps.Select_Extension_App_for_Custom_Field_only_1.png
  4. Select the app or extension that you want to use in your Custom field and click on Proceed.Select_Extension_App_for_Custom_Field_only_2.png
  5. Once the app/extension is added, it should be visible when you create an entry for that Content Type.

Additional Resource: To know more about how to add extensions and apps in Contentstack refer to our doc on Create Custom Fields.

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