
Monitor Stack Activities in Audit Log

Audit Log tracks and displays activities (events) performed in a particular stack. To access the audit logs, log in to your Contentstack account, go to your stack, and perform the following steps:

  1. Click on the “Settings” icon on the left navigation panel.
  2. Click the Audit Log tab. You can also use the shortcut key “alt + A” for Windows OS users, and “option + A” for Mac OS users to open the Audit Log tab.

The following details are displayed under Audit Log when an event occurs:

  • Date: Specifies the date & time when the event occurred
  • Action: Specifies the type of action performed, such as create, update, delete, etc.
  • Module: Specifies the component on which the event was performed, such as Content Type, Entry, Assets, etc.
  • Title: Specifies the title of a particular module.
    • Entry modules will have an i (information) icon beside them which will provide information such as Content Type, Version, and Language.
    • Users module too will have an i (information) icon which will display the Role(s) which is assigned to that user.
  • Remote Address: Specifies the IP address of the node from which an event has occurred

This helps you keep a track of all published items, updates, deletes, and current status of the existing content.

Note: When working within specific branches, you will be able to view the activity logs specific to a branch. For example, if you are working within the development branch, you will receive audit logs specific only to the development branch. Refer to our Branch-specific Modules document for more information.

Filter Audit Log

By default, the Audit Log displays information in reverse chronological order. You can apply filters to refine the results and display only the required information.

The Filters section, located on the left, displays the list of available filters, which includes the following:

  • Users
  • Actions
  • Modules
  • Languages
  • Content Types

Check the filter options that you want to apply.

Click on Reset filters to clear all the applied filters.

By default you get the audit logs for the past 7 days. You can filter the date range to view the logs for the last 30 days, 14 days, 7 days, and last 1 day. The Custom Date option allows you to set a custom date range for which you want to view the logs.


Types of Audit Log Events

Audit Log tracks and displays activities or events performed in a particular stack. For your reference, we have provided a comprehensive list of all the events.

The following table displays the various events visible in Audit Log:




  • Create Stack
  • Update Stack
  • Transfer Stack Ownership


  • Create Branch
  • Delete Branch
  • Assign Branch Alias
  • Delete Branch Alias

Content Types

  • Create Content Type
  • Update Content Type:
    • Content modeling changes
    • Content type settings changes
    • Field visibility rules changes
  • Export Content Type
  • Import Content Type
  • Delete Content Type

Global Fields

  • Create Global Field
  • Update Global Field
  • Delete Global Field
  • Export Global Field
  • Import Global Field


  • Create Label
  • Update Label
  • Delete Label


  • Create Entry
  • Update Entry
  • Localize Entry
  • Export Entry
  • Import Entry

Entry Comments and Discussions

  • Create Discussion
  • Update Discussion
  • Discussion
  • Update Comment
  • Delete Comment


  • Create/Upload Asset
  • Update Asset
  • Move Asset
  • Delete Asset
  • Create Asset Folder
  • Update Asset Folder
  • Move Asset Folder
  • Delete Asset Folder

Additional Metadata For Entries and Assets

  • Create Metadata
  • Update Metadata
  • Delete Metadata

Bulk Operations

  • Bulk-publish Entries or Assets
  • Bulk-unpublish Entries or Assets
  • Bulk-delete Entries or Assets
  • Bulk-move Assets to Folder


  • Create Extensions
  • Update Extensions
  • Delete Extensions


  • Create Release
  • Update Release
  • Delete Release
  • Add Items to Release
  • Delete Items from Release


  • Create Environment
  • Update Environment
  • Delete Environment


  • Create Language
  • Update Language
  • Delete Language


  • Create Webhook
  • Update Webhook
  • Delete Webhook


  • Create Role
  • Update Role
  • Delete Role


  • Share Stack Access with User
  • Update User Roles
  • Unshare Stack for Existing User

Delivery Tokens

  • Create Token
  • Update Token
  • Delete Token


  • Create Workflow
  • Update Workflow
  • Enable Workflow
  • Disable Workflow
  • Delete Workflow
  • Set Entry Workflow Stage
  • Update Entry Workflow Stage Details

Publish Rules

  • Create Publish Rules
  • Update Publish Rules
  • Delete Publish Rules


  • Restore Content Type
  • Restore Global Field
  • Restore Entry
  • Restore Asset
  • Restore Asset Folder
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