
Repair GitHub Connection for Projects

As a user, if your Launch GitHub App gets disconnected, the connection on the existing projects becomes invalid, and Launch can no longer connect with GitHub for such projects.

To resolve this issue, Contentstack Launch lets you repair the GitHub connection on existing projects by replacing the invalid connection with a new valid connection.

This step-by-step guide lets you repair the GitHub connection for projects in Contentstack Launch.


  1. Contentstack account
  2. Access to the Launch Project as the Owner/Admin

Steps for Execution

Follow the steps below to repair the GitHub connection in your project:

  1. From the Launch landing page, click the project card to open your project.
  2. On the left-hand side primary navigation, click the Settings icon.
  3. In Settings > General, you can see the Git Connection section.

    You can view the status of your Git connection in this section along with a link to your Git repository.

  4. If the connection between your Git repository and project gets disconnected, you can, to reconnect, click the Repair Connection button.
  5. Launch-RepairGitHub-Disconnection

    Note: Before reconnecting the Git repository, you must add the repository to the GitHub app.

You have successfully repaired and reconnected the Git repository for your project.

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