
Taxonomy Migration

With the Taxonomy Migration utility, you can import the taxonomies and respective terms using a CSV file created using one of the following methods:

This step-by-step guide lets you use the Taxonomy Migration utility to perform the taxonomy migration operation on a stack.


Note: If you are using a CSV template to generate the CSV file, the Taxonomy Name and Term Level* Name fields are mandatory.

Additional Resource: Here is a sample script to import taxonomies into your stack. Preferably, use this sample script to try out the commands in this guide.


csdx cm:stacks:migration --file-path <value> --config data-dir:<value> --stack-api-key <value>


  • -k, --stack-api-key=stack-api-key: Stack API key.
  • --config=config: [Inline configuration] The key for receiving data-dir and delimiter. To provide the path of the CSV file in the data-dir, use data-dir:<value>. If you used a delimiter while exporting or manually creating taxonomies to CSV, use {data-dir:<value>,delimiter:<value>}.
  • --file-path=filepath: Path where the taxonomy migration files are stored.

    Tip: Preferably, use the sample taxonomy migration script to import taxonomies.


Without delimiter:

csdx cm:stacks:migration -k b*******9ca0 --file-path "../contentstack-migration/examples/taxonomies/import-taxonomies.js" --config data-dir:'./data/Taxonomy Stack_taxonomies.csv'

Note: For Windows OS, use "\" instead of "/" for paths.

With delimiter (Mac OS):

csdx cm:stacks:migration -k b*******9ca0 --file-path "../contentstack-migration/examples/taxonomies/import-taxonomies.js" --config {data-dir:'./data/Taxonomy Stack_taxonomies.csv',delimiter:'|'}

With delimiter (Windows OS):

csdx cm:stacks:migration -k b*********d4 --file-path "C:\Users\v***h\Desktop\Contentstack\CLI\Taxonomy\import-taxonomies.js" --config data-dir:'C:\Users\v***h\Desktop\Contentstack\CLI\Taxonomy\test_taxonomies.csv' delimiter:','

Steps for Execution

Follow the steps below to run the taxonomy migration command:

  1. Provide the following flags in the cm:stacks:migration command to import taxonomy:
    • File path that contains the taxonomy migration files.

      Note: Provide the file path of the downloaded sample script.

    • Stack API key
    • Config that contains the CSV file path and the delimiter

      Note: You must provide a delimiter in config only if you used a delimiter while exporting taxonomies to CSV or generating CSV file manually.

    csdx cm:stacks:migration --stack-api-key <value> --file-path <value> --config {data-dir:<value>,delimiter:<value>}

    Note: For Windows OS, use ',' as the delimiter.

  2. Run the command in your terminal.

You have successfully migrated taxonomies from your CSV file to the provided stack.

Without delimiter:


With delimiter (Windows OS):


With delimiter (Mac OS):



If you are facing a Migration Unsuccessful or Module cannot be found error, please try one of the following troubleshooting methods:

  • Troubleshoot in your current terminal session:
    1. Windows (CMD):
      FOR /F "usebackq tokens=*" %i IN (`npm root -g @contentstack/cli`) DO SET NODE_PATH=%i/@contentstack/cli/node_modules
    2. Windows (PowerShell):
      foreach ($i in $(npm root -g @contentstack/cli)) { $env:NODE_PATH = "$i/@contentstack/cli/node_modules" }
    3. Mac/Unix:
      export NODE_PATH="$(npm root -g @contentstack/cli)/@contentstack/cli/node_modules"
  • Troubleshoot in the entire session:
    npm link fast-csv
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