
Change Master Locale

While importing data using the Contentstack’s CLI, if the destination stack has a different master locale than the source stack, the API throws an error indicating that the master locale of the incoming data does not exist in the destination stack.

As a solution, you can change the master locale of the data exported from the CLI using the change-master-locale utility so that it matches the master locale of the destination stack.


Steps for Execution

  1. Export the data from the source stack using the cm:stacks:export command.
  2. Download the examples folder and navigate to the folder using the cd command in the terminal.
    cd <path-to-examples>
  3. Find the change-master-locale script in the examples folder. Execute the script using the migration command as follows:
    csdx cm:stacks:migration --file-path ./change-master-locale/02-change-master-locale-new-file-structure.js --config target_locale:<target-locale> data_dir:<path-to-the-exported-data>

    Note: path-to-the-exported-data can either be the relative path or the absolute path.

    Alternatively, You can save the config parameters to a config.json file and use it as follows:

     csdx cm:stacks:migration --file-path ./change-master-locale/02-change-master-locale-new-file-structure.js --config-file <path-to-the-config-file>

    Note: If you used the CLI version below 1.9.0 to export the data, use the 01-change-master-locale.js script instead of 02-change-master-locale-new-file-structure.js in the examples above.

  4. Import the data to the target stack using the cm:stacks:import command.


If you are facing a Migration Unsuccessful or Module cannot be found error, please try one of the following troubleshooting methods:

  • Troubleshoot in your current terminal session:
    1. Windows (CMD):
      FOR /F "usebackq tokens=*" %i IN (`npm root -g @contentstack/cli`) DO SET NODE_PATH=%i/@contentstack/cli/node_modules
    2. Windows (PowerShell):
      foreach ($i in $(npm root -g @contentstack/cli)) { $env:NODE_PATH = "$i/@contentstack/cli/node_modules" }
    3. Mac/Unix:
      export NODE_PATH="$(npm root -g @contentstack/cli)/@contentstack/cli/node_modules"


  • This utility does not work for the clone command.
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