
Export an Entry

To export an existing entry, log in to your Contentstack account, go to your stack, and perform the following steps:

  1. Click on the “Entries” icon on the left navigation panel. You can also use the shortcut key “E”(for both Windows OS and Mac OS users) to access entries.
  2. Edit the entry that you wish to export. 
  3. Click the ellipses located at the bottom of the page, and select Export.

Alternatively, you can also export an entry from the entry list page. To do so, perform the steps given below:

  1. On the entries list page, locate the entry you want to export and click on the respective vertical ellipsis under the Actions column.
  2. From the dropdown menu that appears, select Export.

This will save the JSON file of the entry to your local storage system. Any changes made to this file will be retained when importing.

API Reference

To export an entry via API, refer to the Export an entry API request.

Additional Resource: To export all the entries at a time, refer the Export Content Using the CLI documentation for more information.

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