
Bulk Publish Localized Entry Versions

You can publish multiple localized and unlocalized versions of an entry right from the “Publish” modal of the master language version of the entry.

Note: This feature is available only if it is a part of your plan. To avail of this feature, you can contact our support team.

To bulk publish localized and unlocalized entries at once, log in to your Contentstack account and perform the steps given below:

  1. Go to your stack and click the "Entries" icon located in the left navigation panel.
  2. Open the entry that you want to delete.
  3. Select the master language from the dropdown menu. The master language is marked with an (M) at the end.
  4. Click the Publish button at the bottom of the page.
  5. In the Publish Entry modal, select the Environment(s) and click Select all languages.

    Note: While publishing multiple localized and unlocalized versions of a single entry, you can select a maximum of 50 languages and 50 environments at a time.

  6. In the same modal, you can select if you want to publish the entries now or schedule it for later. Once done, click Send to publish your entries.

    Note: When you publish in multiple languages, the latest version of the localized entry will be published.

  7. In the Publish Reference(s) modal, you can choose to publish the entries with or without references.
  8. Click on Send With References/Send Without References as per your requirement.

    Note: It is recommended to always publish an entry along with its references. If you publish an entry without its references, the referenced items will not appear in the published entry.

Limitations for Publishing Localized Entry Versions in Bulk

You can publish up to 10 localized entry versions across 10 environments at a time. This limit can be adjusted based on your plan. For more details, please contact our support team.

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