
Configure Regions in the CLI

The config namespace contains all the commands that you will need to configure the CLI as per your requirements.

Contentstack currently supports five regions: North America, EuropeAzure North America, Azure Europe, and Google North America.

By default, the CLI uses the North America region. Configuration changes are not required for North America region users.

Using the following set of commands, you can configure the CLI to use other regions



Get region

The config:get:region command will return the name of the region on which you are performing actions in Contentstack, via the CLI.


csdx config:get:region

Set region

The config:set:region command lets you select a region, from the available Contentstack regions, to perform actions using the CLI.


csdx config:set:region <<region>>


  • Region: Specifies the region that you want to use while executing the CLI commands. Possible values are as follows:
    • NA for AWS North America
    • EU for AWS Europe
    • AZURE-NA for Azure North America
    • AZURE-EU for Azure Europe
    • GCP-NA for Google North America


csdx config:set:region EU
csdx config:set:region AZURE-NA
csdx config:set:region AZURE-EU
csdx config:set:region GCP-NA

Set custom host and region

By using the config:set:region command, you can also set a custom host for Content Delivery, Content Management, Developer Hub, and Launch APIs, and set a custom region name for the hosts.


csdx config:set:region --cda <<custom_cda_host_url>> --cma <<custom_cma_host_url>> --ui-host <<custom_ui_host_url>> -n <<custom_region_name>>
--developer-hub <<custom_developer_hub_url>> --launch <<custom_launch_url>>


  • --cda=cda: Custom host to set for the Content Delivery API. If this option is used, then cma, ui-host, and name options are required.
  • --cma=cma: Custom host to set for the Content Management API. If this option is used, then cda, ui-host, and name options are required.
  • --ui-host=ui-host: Custom UI host to set for CLI. If this option is used, then cda, cma, and name options are required.
  • -n, --name=name: The name for the region. If this option is used, then cda, cma, and ui-host options are required.
  • --developer-hub: Custom host to set for the Developer Hub API.
  • --launch: Custom host to set for the Launch API.

Note: The CLI generates the Developer Hub and Launch APIs by default unless their corresponding flags are passed.


csdx config:set:region --cda "https://in-cdn.contentstack.com" --cma "https://in-api.contentstack.com" --ui-host "https://in-app.contentstack.com" --developer-hub "https://in-developerhub-api.contentstack.com" --launch "https://in-launch-api.contentstack.com" -n "India"
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