
About Localization Operator

Using the Advanced Search, you can search for entries that are localized in a particular language in Contentstack. Alternately, you can also search for entries which haven’t been localized yet in a language, but are available in their fallback languages.

You can achieve this by using Advanced Search where you can use the Language field, and then select either Localized in or Not localized in operator.

Additional Resource: To learn the types of searches and how they operate, refer to the Contentstack’s Search functionality.

Let’s consider an example to understand this well.

Let’s say your site serves content in the following languages: English (United States), French (France), and Spanish (Spain), with English (United States) being the master language.

By default, the entries that haven’t been localized in French (France) will inherit data from English (United States).

Suppose you need to find all the entries that haven’t been localized in French (France). Enter the value “French (France)” in the Language field. Then, select the Not localized in operator from the subsequent dropdown, and enter “French (France)” in the value field. This query will fetch all the entries that haven’t been localized in French (France).


Additional Resource: Refer to the Localization section to understand how languages work in Contentstack.

While creating your Advanced search query using the Localization operator, perform the following steps:

  1. Select the Language field from the dropdown.
  2. Use the operator Is and select a language within which you need to search for entries for e.g. French (France).
  3. From the subsequent dropdown, select the Not localized in operator, and select any one or multiple locales (for e.g. French (France)) of which you need to fetch entries that have been localized within this language.image.png
  4. Click on Search to bring up your desired search results.

Tip: It would be helpful to know how you run an Advanced search query before you start using the localization operator.

After learning about the localization operator, you can check out the real-life scenarios of localization through the Localization Scenarios article.

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