
Bulk Delete Localized Entry Versions

You can delete multiple localized versions of an entry right from the “Delete” modal of the master language version of the entry.

Warning: When you delete only selected localized versions of an entry, the remaining localized versions of the entry continue to exist within the stack.

To delete all the localized variants of an entry at once, log in to your Contentstack account and perform the following steps:

  1. Go to your stack and click the "Entries" icon located in the left navigation panel.
  2. Open the entry that you want to delete.
  3. Select the master language from the dropdown menu. The master language is marked with an (M) at the end.

    Note: You can delete multiple localized versions of an entry only from the “Delete” modal of the master language version of the entry.

  4. Click on the “More Options” button (horizonal ellipses) located at the bottom of the page, and click on Delete.
  5. In the Delete Entry modal, click Select all languages and then Delete.

Note: Deleting the master language entry will move it and all its localized entries to the trash. They can be restored within 14 days. After that, they will be permanently deleted.

Let's learn how to delete an entry and its localized versions.


Limitations on Deleting Localized Entry Versions

  • You can delete localized entry versions only from the “Delete” modal of the master language entry. This means you cannot delete localized entry versions from the “Delete” modal of the localized entries themselves.
  • While deleting entries in bulk from the entry list page, you cannot delete the corresponding localized versions of the selected entries.
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