
The Contentstack Product Team

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Posts by The Contentstack Product Team

Jul 16, 2024

Knowledge Bases and information portals powered by composable architecture

As companies expand their operations and industries undergo rapid changes, the ability to quickly adapt and provide employees with the most current information becomes increasingly vital. Research shows that learning management is becoming a priority, with Gartner reporting a 52% increase in searches. To stay ahead, companies in industries such as healthcare, finance and hospitality need to roll out fresh guidelines and standards to their far-flung teams — fast. Forward-thinking knowledge management and information portals are breaking down company siloes with frictionless integration and almost infinite scalability so businesses can seize every opportunity. With the global enterprise content management market expected to grow from $47.6 billion in 2024 to $78.4 billion by 2029, Contentstack's groundbreaking Headless CMS rises to the challenge, providing businesses with the tools to build highly customizable, adaptable knowledge hubs optimized for their specific use cases. What businesses need: Today’s requirements for centralizing and streamlining the flow of information  From centralizing scattered resources to enhancing customer support to facilitating employee training, Contentstack's Headless CMS is the key to unlocking knowledge management excellence through key industry-standard requirements: Flexibility: Composable, modular technology allows users to swiftly adapt portals and learning resources to changing business needs and market trends. For instance, finance companies face a marathon, not a sprint when it comes to keeping up with regulatory shifts. These shifts trigger a flurry of changes to the websites their clients rely on. Healthcare portals also need rapid customization to reflect policy or protocol shifts. Scalability: With every acquisition and expansion, a company’s portal is thrust into a tricky balancing act. Can it incorporate a deluge of new content, an influx of users and a maze of features without slowing to a crawl? For international reach, portals may need to scale across regions with localized information. Integration: Think of it as a high-performance engine: when knowledge portals rev up with CRM, HCM and collaboration software, you get streamlined workflows, enhanced team collaboration and much more horsepower under the hood. This allows documentation to populate ticket comments or training course completion to update employee profiles. {{nativeAd:5}} Building strategic portals with Contentstack Contentstack empowers businesses to build customizable, adaptable knowledge hubs optimized for specific use cases. Its flexible architecture facilitates the creation of unified information platforms for internal and external audiences.  Bring information together in one place Contentstack lets you combine all those scattered content resources into one convenient, centralized hub. This makes ongoing management much simpler. The built-in global search feature allows users to rapidly find the materials they need. Empower the front lines of customer support  Equip your customer care staff with comprehensive self-service content like FAQs, troubleshooting guides and how-to tutorials. This useful information can help them swiftly resolve customer issues. Convenient self-service options reduce ticket volume. Contentstack even surfaces popular queries using automation and generative AI.  Foster collaboration Utilize collaborative portal features to ensure knowledge bases always reflect the latest information from subject matter experts across the organization. Subject tags and moderated workspaces keep every file current. Adapt to change Rapidly modify hubs to address evolving business dynamics, processes and customer or employee needs. Contentstack's headless architecture means portals evolve without engineering lifts. New content models can be launched through configuration rather than custom code. With customizable workspace roles, automation triggered by user actions and APIs that make every aspect of the portal extensible, Contentstack allows true customization for knowledge sharing. Companies can build feature-packed portals tailored to their specific use cases and content needs in a fraction of typical development timelines. Contentstack ensures your hubs evolve through configuration rather than heavy lifting as industries evolve. Benefits of Contentstack Contentstack provides expansive capabilities to build completely customizable hubs packed with relevant content for any business need. Its flexible foundation lets you construct custom portals tailored to your organization's requirements. With its headless CMS, robust integrations and intelligent automation, your team can create a unified hub that facilitates discovering what you need, efficient workflows and governance. Customizable content models mean companies can structure information optimally now and in the future. Headless architecture Construct highly adaptable portals specialized to each company's precise needs, integrating flawlessly with existing systems. Contentstack's API-first platform enables decoupling and customization of the front end. Accelerated time-to-launch Flexible architecture permits rapid deployment of the most helpful learning materials. Template blueprints, customizable content models and global fields speed up production. Contentstack automate Automate repetitive chores like notifications and content requests to streamline efforts. Workflows activated by user actions conserve manual initiatives and keep information current. Robust integrations Perfectly integrate with tools like Salesforce to utilize existing knowledge. Import content from other databases or communicate portal updates to external analytics platforms. Developer-friendly SDKs Rapidly build custom interfaces and interactions powered by Contentstack. Create branded, interactive portals with preferred frameworks and extensive documentation. Unified content hub Consolidate partner portals, knowledge centers, eLearning modules and more on one unified and secure platform. Consistent taxonomy and adaptable content modeling connect experiences. Complete flexibility Construct the exact portal your users need with customizable content models and structures that evolve. Adaptable API and BYO-frontend means endless customization ability. Advanced workflows Automation, collaboration features and instant global updates keep content fresh and users engaged. Workflows boost cross-team collaboration, while updates publish instantly across portal instances. Contentstack's powerhouse combination of developer-friendly APIs and editorial asset management enables the creation of genuinely scalable, highly customizable knowledge hubs.  Automation and integrations remove tedious tasks while enabling personalization based on actual usage data and behaviors. Any company can efficiently build portals adapted to current needs and ready to adapt again as industries shift. Learning management case studies When leading organizations sought to upgrade their rigid knowledge management systems, Contentstack delivered specialized knowledge hubs with previously unmatched scale and simplicity. European media titan Sky aimed to empower non-technical staff with website-building freedom. By adopting modular architecture, Sky launched the Sky Websites platform, allowing editors to construct compliant, branded pages in minutes without developers. Where full new website builds previously took months, editors now complete creation in two days. Editors have constructed over ten new sites with customized themes and efficient workflows with Contentstack. Similarly, digital health disruptor Waltz Health leveraged Contentstack’s headless flexibility to unveil an industry-first pharmaceutical pricing transparency tool. Rapid prototyping and seamless third-party data integrations allowed Waltz to deploy the complex B2B marketplace solution in just 75 days with a 75% increase in deployment speed. With Contentstack, new patient experiences are built, tested and approved within hours instead of weeks.  Global learning giant Axelos also adopted Contentstack to transform its outdated systems. The Axelos team made a bold move when they shifted to headless architecture, and it paid off: devs gained language flexibility and saw release times plummet by 50%. The MyAxelos portal overhaul boosted traffic by over 80%, allowing dynamic updates to certification materials, exam guides and specialization content. Now, consultant users have a truly customized learning experience with maximum access. Additional use cases With Contentstack powering learning portals, companies can rapidly address a wide range of needs and build whatever they require, including: Internal portals: Centralize regulatory changes, protocols and training for airline staff. A global airliner used Contentstack to build custom portals with access permissions for pilots, flight attendants and maintenance crew, ensuring they had the latest FAA regulations and continued learning resources. Partner microsites: Sharing launch information fast. A pharmaceutical firm used Contentstack to swiftly build a microsite — in about three weeks — to educate global teams on a new drug launch. This allowed them to rapidly share R&D assets, train sales squads and provide materials for external partners. It kept everyone informed regarding the freshly available medication. Upskilling portals: Simplifying continuous employee enrichment. Companies can now construct centralized hubs compiling previously scattered online resources, short and long courses and multi-layered certification programs. This provides personnel with clear pathways to actively develop their skills, whether an entry-level employee pursuing a promotion or an executive seeking advanced credentials. These portals hand over the keys to career advancement. Information centralization: Wrangling scattered knowledge. Previously dispersed information posed organizational obstacles to efficient data access. Contentstack enables enterprises to neatly corral distributed knowledge from widespread corners into one repository, offering a single source of truth. This centralized hub enables employees to swiftly hunt down the information they need, transforming confusion into clarity. Employee onboarding: Smoothing complicated global onboarding. A talent recruitment firm built market-specific Contentstack onboarding portals to smooth and enhance complicated new hire integration across global regions. The portals deliver localized content and resources tailored to each locale, enabling recruits to rapidly get up to speed with streamlined onboarding. Empower your teams with Contentstack's adaptable knowledge management solution Contentstack gives companies the adaptability and agility to stay ahead when nonstop innovation is vital. With structured content models, customizable fields and permissions by department or region, Contentstack enables you to build tailored knowledge portals that align with your specific use case and evolve with your learning needs. Bring information together, achieve operational excellence and empower your people with the latest knowledge. Contentstack's Headless CMS finally makes creating customized knowledge portals that drive success possible. It’s time to flip the script on your knowledge management approach with Contentstack. Learn more about how Contentstack's Headless CMS can transform your knowledge hubs.  Take a closer look by scheduling a demo today. 

Jun 05, 2024

Personalization poseurs: What to look for

Your customers crave personalized digital experiences more than ever, and businesses have been on an endless quest for the right technologies to meet these high expectations efficiently, effectively and at scale. There are many personalization players in the market, and some companies are even buying their way into this space But despite all that, a solution remains elusive. Why is personalization so impersonal? When we talk to our customers and prospects, here are a few of the top reasons that regularly surface: IT blockers: The need to involve developers slows down operations and prevents scalability Content overload: Generic “personalized” content due to LLMs not having access to relevant information Overly manual: Requires a lot of manual processes that slow down time to market As you assess personalization capabilities, beware of the Personalization Posers — those CMSes, add-on products, or legacy solutions that promise a lot but deliver little.  Personalization done right First off, to deliver omnichannel content quickly and at scale, you need a robust enterprise-grade headless content management system (CMS) as your starting point. This is the most efficient way to deliver content to multiple endpoints.  And this is where the Contentstack Headless CMS shines, providing the agility and freedom your developers and creatives need to adapt quickly and maintain brand relevance with the right message on any channel at the right time.  A solution that simplifies personalization, crafted to scale effortlessly The last thing you need is more complexity. Thankfully, we are in the business of making your life easier, more productive and more profitable. So we don’t just stop with a world-class Headless CMS, we also believe you should be able to easily add a tightly integrated, AI-powered personalization engine to create personalized experiences at scale — with little to no developer time required. That’s why we are launching Personalize, our built-from-the-ground-up A/B testing and segmentation engine designed to work hand-in-hand with our CMS. AI that knows your business and speaks your voice Next is how to solve for the content overload… But what good is “personalized” content if it’s not actually personalized or brand-aware? Anyone can prompt an LLM to craft generic, off-brand content for different audiences. You need the ability to marry AI-driven content generation with deep brand insights and product information to make that content drip with your brand voice.  We call this Brand Kit, and it works hand-in-hand with Personalize and our previously announced AI Assistant that gives you the power of cutting-edge content generation built into the authoring experience.  And, what if it was all possible WITHIN your CMS authoring experience? Do we have your attention yet?  Automate the mundane and routine The last hurdle to operationalizing personalization at scale is automation smarts that eliminate all the manual tasks that personalization at scale requires.  Imagine being able to produce 100s of variants of a single piece of omnichannel content for every audience segment you may have with a push of a button.  When you combine Automate with our personalization engine, it’s not just another broken personalization pipedream – it’s your new reality. Want true personalization power? We can help You solve for all that (robust enterprise-grade headless, tightly integrated personalization engine, and automation smarts), and you solve for personalization at scale. It's hard… we get it—but have no fear. We are here to help you along your personalization journey and fast-track your implementation. We give you the tools you need and help you learn best practices and how to set up and run your personalization campaigns.  We call this our AI Accelerator. This tailored program provides AI-powered capabilities with all the educational resources and expert support you need. It ensures you're fully equipped to implement AI-powered personalization seamlessly and deploy in just 90 days. The poseurs out there might have one thing we’ve covered in this piece, but putting them all together to give you the intuitive, developer-free experience you need? Forget it.  Watch the live debut of Contentstack AI To learn how to unleash true personalization power, watch the release of our full suite of Contentstack AI products live on stage at ContentCon 2024 on June 5th. Register here

May 14, 2024

The May Memo

Get ready to fuel your passion for innovation and technology because ContentCon is just around the corner. Our annual conference takes place in the heart of Austin, TX, and this year's edition is set to be an unforgettable experience. With summer rolling in, bringing longer days and opportunities for relaxation and family time, ContentCon promises to be the perfect kick-start for forward-thinkers and digital leaders.  ContentCon spotlight Prepare to be inspired by our lineup of incredible keynote speakers. We know, every marketing conference says that, but we actually mean it — our lineup is the perfect mix of technical know-how and strategic leadership. Erica Dhawan will take the stage to share her insights on the power of connectional intelligence, teaching us how to foster agility, innovation and breakthrough ideas. Contentstack CEO Neha Sampat will give an enlightening welcome address, offering a glimpse into Contentstack's groundbreaking vision. Sameen Gul will reveal how Reckitt has revolutionized its digital strategy with composable transformations, and Conor Egan will unveil the latest innovations within the Contentstack ecosystem. From exclusive workshops to insightful keynotes and unparalleled networking opportunities, ContentCon is where marketing, technology, and the C-suite converge. There is still time to register. We'd love to see you there! Automate is making waves As we look forward to summer (can it hurry up and get here already?!), it's time to start thinking about balancing work with precious leisure and family time moments. Enter Contentstack's Automate — the solution that ensures your marketing doesn't skip a beat, even while you're soaking up the sun.  How do our customers use Automate? Brad's Deals embarked on an exciting venture to revolutionize their content strategy, leveraging Contentstack Automate to do more with less and thrive across their customer and affiliate partner journeys. This bold move empowered them to significantly reduce manual labor while enhancing accuracy and efficiency across key operations, such as product information retrieval, link generation and image captioning.  Brad's Deals unlocked a more holistic view of content, which liberated developers to enhance features and enabled editors to craft richer customer experiences. The automation capabilities of Contentstack were pivotal, simplifying tasks and fostering a quicker, more enriched content publication process. This innovation brought about considerable savings in time and costs, alongside elevating content quality and data source integrity. With plans to further explore Contentstack's potential by adding community components and predictive functionalities, Brad's Deals is set to redefine the customer experience landscape, demonstrating its leadership and forward-thinking ethos in the industry. Wrap up This May, as we gear up for an exciting summer, remember that innovation and efficiency are your keys to success. Whether it's attending ContentCon to connect with industry leaders or leveraging Contentstack's Automate to keep your marketing efforts flowing seamlessly, the future is bright for those who dare to lead.

May 07, 2024

Digital disruption reshapes travel customer journeys

As online touchpoints continue to shape and reshape travel booking journeys, satisfying digital-first customer expectations becomes pivotal to success — yet, doing so can be an intensely complex process. Today's travel and tourism landscape demands the ability to protect personal data while having the creative freedom to respond swiftly to next-gen innovations that captivate experience-seekers (and their dollars).  As a result, travel providers increasingly embrace Headless CMS platforms that blend robust security guardrails with creative capabilities. This empowers teams to nimbly deliver both trust and innovation simultaneously. By the numbers In 2023, flight bookings regained 95% of their pre-pandemic transaction volume as travelers relied increasingly on online channels. TravelPerk Research shows that 53% valued ease of price comparison, while 47% favored the speed of digital booking. According to a Statista Consumer Insights report, 72% of travelers preferred booking online, with 40-48% leveraging mobile devices for research, pricing and reservations. This demonstrates the necessity of investing in seamless digital experiences.  Now more than ever, travel brands have an immense opportunity to deliver engaging experiences at scale with tools like Contentstack.  How headless technology positions travel for growth Contentstack’s Headless CMS simplifies the spinning up of travel sites and apps with the flexibility to reach travelers across any channel. Blending extensible infrastructure with fluid composability, Contentstack branches globally with solid consistency. Its modular components scale experiences and the API-first and cloud-native construction future-proofs growth. As the leading Headless CMS purpose-built for industries like travel and tourism, Contentstack checks all the boxes required by modern brands seeking to delight and keep customers engaged. The cloud-native SaaS platform can easily ingest real-time third-party data, analyze rich insights and orchestrate intelligent experiences with cross-channel continuity. Developers gain granular control and security guardrails to balance content compliance without compromising creative capabilities. Pre-built integrations accelerate time-to-value while experienced Technical Solutions support smooth adoption. With certified developers and partners as an accelerator, Contentstack fosters a collaborative ecosystem — empowering teams to craft more memorable customer journeys. Whether tackling high traffic volumes, personalization complexity or global expansion, Contentstack equalizes both sides of the IT balance sheet — blending governance guardrails with creative freedoms to fulfill digital ambitions faster. Connecting content, commerce, and community in harmonious alignment, the platform accelerates the innovation that travel brands demand to sustain competitive advantages confidently. Why Contentstack for travel and tourism Contentstack helps travel brands gain a vital edge to craft differentiated journeys, unlock innovation and sustain relevance amidst a noisy, crowded market. Contentstack simplifies delivering consistent omnichannel experiences meeting travelers anywhere and empowers captivating travel campaigns that capture attention and convert. Contentstack provides unique features for travel, such as: A scalable infrastructure to handle surges in traffic A simple installation and localization process for extending coverage A quick time-to-market storefront with intuitive user interfaces A seamless integration with third-party booking engines Industry-leading customer care programs using capabilities for additional value Our Headless CMS delivers unmatched flexibility, best-of-breed integrations and extensions. The Contentstack Way provides dedicated teams and unrivaled support for frictionless adoption. With Contentstack, travel brands deliver personalized, automated content across devices with: Flexible modeling to organize content Workflow automation for efficiency Localization for global reach Responsive previews for accuracy Benefits of Contentstack Contentstack allows for the creation of unique travel experiences with a cloud infrastructure that handles traffic spikes without disruption. Moreover, headless flexibility enables adding/swapping modules while preserving continuity. Unified customer data powers personalization across channels and localization workflows streamline translation. In addition, intuitive UIs empower non-technical users to contribute value. API-first microservices rapidly incorporate third parties, accelerating innovation velocity. Key benefits of using Contentstack include: Enhanced personalization: Boost loyalty and bookings with tailored journeys catering to specific interests. Agile adaptability: Rapidly incorporate the latest trends and expand reach with easy integration of tools for localization and emerging technologies. Maximized cost-efficiency: Optimize budgets by integrating only necessary tools aligned to business needs. Scalability: Ensure infrastructure remains flexible to enable growth. Innovation: Gather data-driven insights to inform decisions and improve workforce efficiency. Underscoring these pillars, 63% of modern travelers see technology as essential for managing risks amidst the pandemic rebound. And 98% of travel executives expect AI will reshape experiences within five years – making continuous innovation indispensable. Travel and tourism use cases When major travel brands reached inflection points in their digital modernization journeys, Contentstack provided a springboard to outpace legacy limitations. Seeking more publishing agility, leading airline Icelandair migrated to Contentstack. This resolved long-standing workflow frustrations, cutting update times by 90%, accelerating translations 70% faster and reducing tedious backlogs by 82%. With dramatically streamlined operations, Icelandair finally has the efficiency to craft travel experiences that foster loyalty. Similarly, luxury golf vacation specialist Golfbreaks faced complexity in elevating its ambitious rebranding and site relaunch across Europe. By leveraging Contentstack's cloud infrastructure, it launched overseas 90% quicker than its rigid old CMS. Now, edits happen in minutes without developer assistance. Golfbreaks credits its customer-centric innovation and growth to Contentstack's flexibility. As an API-first, cloud-native Headless CMS, Contentstack empowers travel brands to unlock agility, scale and enhanced CX — increasing customer satisfaction, trust and lifetime value. Deliver standout travel experiences with Contentstack Picture this: the digital travel world is ballooning at almost 13% each year and is expected to reach nearly $1.6 trillion globally by 2030. Brands delivering top-notch experiences are in for quite the ride. As the pioneering Headless CMS and MACH founding member, Contentstack's value lies in providing travel brands the tools to gain a competitive edge and the ability to create digital engagement that builds consumer trust and captures wallet share by solving problems with remarkable travel-focused journeys. Will your brand lead the digital experience revolution in travel with Contentstack?  Learn more about the Contentstack Headless CMS or schedule a demo to see it in action.

Apr 16, 2024

The April Memo

March came in like a lion and out like the perfect time to think through content strategies for the seasons ahead. Just as the Spring sun coaxes hidden seeds into a riot of life and color, our industry-first fully automated, composable digital experience platform (DXP) awakens dormant potentials within businesses. Dreams of omnichannel, personalized and localized digital experiences that once lay buried deep beneath the permafrost of legacy tech can now burst forth, vibrant and eager to grow. With Contentstack, every enterprise can blossom, transforming their digital landscape into a rich, thriving ecosystem that is not just surviving but flourishing through full-stack automation, practical AI and unprecedented customer support.  It’s the season of the fully automated composable DXP and monolithic solutions are left pushing daisies. So, how’s your ecosystem looking? Better collaboration + better teamwork We are a distributed, global company that deeply cares about how our own teams are collaborating to accomplish our shared goals. Even more so, we’re committed to providing the tools our customers need to experience better collaboration and more seamless teamwork to experience unprecedented success. On the technical side of things, our solutions for this are Teams and Taxonomy, which can drastically change how you can manage roles, permissions and content, streamlining processes for unparalleled efficiency and coherence. Teams simplifies managing roles and permissions by organizing your users into groups. Instead of assigning roles individually or at the stack level, you can directly assign roles to a team to ensure that all team members share the same set of role permissions.  Taxonomy brings a range of versatile options for classifying, organizing and managing content tailored to your specific needs. This feature has been meticulously crafted to enhance the categorization and management of entries, ensuring a smooth and effective content organization journey.  The Composable DXP you can trust Our innovative products and ever-expanding services are, truly, changing enterprises from the inside out. And a time when every penny counts, industry leaders of all kinds are taking notice. In April, we’re showing some Spring-time love to our Tech Industry customers who are pushing the boundaries of what’s possible with our next-generation tech. A leading information technology and data analysis services provider left behind its legacy CMS for the greener pastures of Contentstack and now experiences a 500% faster development process at ⅕ of the cost. Of course, the beauty of Contentstack is our relationships – both with people like yourself and our partners. We worked hand-in-hand with a host of integration and technology partners to ensure implementation and operational success. What good is a product without the right people behind it to support you?  Inspiration overload Looking for inspiration? Get a heavy dose at ContentCon 2024, where the brightest minds and industry-leading brands converge to share groundbreaking insights and transformative strategies. With a stellar lineup featuring keynote speakers like Erica Dhawan and Katie Johnson, alongside visionary leaders from powerhouse brands such as Reckitt, ASICS Digital and Air France KLM, this event promises an unparalleled opportunity to explore the frontiers of teamwork, innovation and digital excellence. Don't miss out on this chance to connect with the disruptors and innovators shaping the future of brand experiences. Ready to see more? Take a test drive Start building today

Mar 13, 2024

5 reasons to attend ContentCon

At Contentstack, we’re quickly approaching our most wonderful time of the year. We’re not talking about the holidays — we are laser-focused on ContentCon 2024. ContentCon is our annual conference for our customers and extended Contentstack community. In past years, this event has brought together brands like yours, tens of sponsors and memorable keynotes from speakers we’re all still talking about today. This year’s event will be even more action-packed and we hope you’ll join us so we can all say “Remember when.”  In case you need convincing, we’ve outlined five reasons to attend.  9 customer keynotes from top brands  When it comes to best-in-class experiences, there are those brands and digital leaders that set the bar high and inspire the rest. We’ll have them in spades. ContentCon attendees will get to hear keynotes from Erica Dhawan, author of the Wall Street Journal bestseller, Digital Body Language, and Sameen Gul, the Global Market Director for Reckitt, alongside many others.  Workshops by customers, for customers Whether you’re at the start of your composable journey or you’re already a Contentstack power-user, you’ll get to participate in workshops, hear live case studies and learn best practices from digital leaders like you. Participation in customer workshops will provide you with exclusive knowledge on how to accelerate the people, processes and technology of your composable enterprise. 5 in-depth Contentstack product sessions With product sessions geared towards both business and technical users, you can fully personalize your ContentCon experience. You’ll first hear from Conor Egan, VP of Product at Contentstack, who will cover the advancements in the composable DXP landscape and unveil our new cutting-edge features. The workshops that follow will teach you how to make the most of our platform features and showcase our latest product release that you don’t want to miss. Here are a few sessions to get you excited: Using Contentstack’s AI tools and Automation Hub Building apps on Contentstack Marketplace Making the most of our platform’s products and features Learning about our latest product release 2 full days of networking with Contentstack executives and industry leaders Networking with industry leaders like yourself allows for answers on the spot and learning from those you’re inspired by—and who you might inspire, too! ContentCon attendees regularly share that their most valuable takeaway is having the opportunity to meet fellow peers and share innovative knowledge. Along with customer stories and exclusive workshops, you’ll get to take part in a dedicated session of networking, learning and storytelling with one another. Enjoy the city of Austin Austin is well-known for its welcoming atmosphere and “Keep Austin Weird'' motto that reflects the city’s appreciation for creativity and originality. During your two days of awe-inspiring stories and workshops, be sure to enjoy outdoor activities in Austin’s beautiful parks and lakes and explore the city's local museums and landmarks to indulge in its rich culture. While downtown, experience Austin’s charming boutiques, famous barbeque and flourishing arts scene. The city’s unique blend of live music, outdoor entertainment, cultural attractions and delicious food offers an unforgettable experience for everyone on your team. Get your early bird tickets to ContentCon 2024 here!

Mar 12, 2024

The March Memo

It's March Madness in the US, which means stats are flying around and bets are being placed. Well, here's a stat to bet on, according to Gartner, “By 2026, at least 70% of organizations will be mandated to acquire composable digital experience platform technology, as opposed to monolithic suites, compared to 50% in 2023.” This forecast backs up what we’ve been preaching at Contentstack for years. It’s not just a product narrative we tell, it’s a mandate we live out each quarter: How can we best help our customers (and our future customers) position themselves for success in the near and far future?  Continuing to improve on and deliver innovative composable solutions, like our industry-leading Composable DXP powered by the #1 Headless CMS on the market, is what we are laser-focused on this year. And, as MACH Madness (see what we did there?) sweeps across the country, we are proudly putting our thought leaders at the forefront of the composable movement.  MACH Madness On March 7th, our very own Jasmin Guthmann, Head of Corporate Communications, joined a webinar panel dedicated to helping your company get “MACH ready”. Just because we believe a composable architecture is a clear choice for future-proofing your business, we know helping you get there is just as important. Jasmin will be sharing strategies for how to make a seamless and successful transition to composable, as well as tips on how to get buy-in from your digital leaders.  For those businesses a little further along on your journey towards building out their composable stack, we’re looking out for you, too. Christine Masters, Senior Product Manager and one of our resident AI experts here at Contentstack, is taking part in a CMSWire webinar that will help you learn how a composable architecture enables faster, more effective personalized digital experiences as well as shed light on the untapped possibilities of generative AI in the digital landscape. More to note Will we see you in Las Vegas? March Madness (the official version) kicks off the week following Shoptalk 2024. So, once you’ve placed your future bets on the NCAA title winners, join us in the Sphere on March 18th for a truly unique experience hosted by Contentstack, commercetools and Orium. Bites and drinks, followed by a private screening on the Sphere’s 18K screen — what a perfect way to top off your Shoptalk experience this year.  And lastly, we’ll leave you with another helpful piece of content. One of our Solutions Engineers found himself having similar conversations with leaders across all types of companies. They were all looking for tips on how to choose the right composable technology providers as they built out their composable architecture. It led him to write this piece, How to select a composable platform. It’s a no-frills, honest guide to making the wisest choice possible for your company when it comes to the ever-growing market of composable software. We hope it can help you on your path towards composability!  Stay tuned for next month’s Memo from our team and remember, we are here to help guide you on your composable journey. Good luck in the bracket! Ready to see more? Take a test drive Start building today

Feb 14, 2024

The February Memo

February at Contentstack As we reflect on the evolution of Contentstack and where we are today, the thing that sets us apart remains the same — our commitment to our customers. In the early days of Contentstack, we made it a top priority to understand the unique needs of each customer who trusted us with their Headless CMS needs. Fast forward to today, where we have become a global company, with a visionary approach to a Composable Digital Experience Platform, serving industry-leading customers worldwide, and that same commitment to personalized attention remains at the core of every interaction we have with our ever-growing community.  Seeing as it’s February and we’re all in the spirit of love and appreciation, we are so proud to let you know that our team has achieved an impressive customer retention rate of nearly 97% this year. How did we accomplish this? Our Customer Care program is head and shoulders above the competition. We've designed the program to provide comprehensive expertise and support from day one. Each customer gets dedicated account and success managers, as well as the guidance of our world-class Technical Solutions Organization, ensuring our customers receive the utmost care and assistance every step of the way. These aren't just empty words on a page; this is our promise to our customers. To that end, we are excited to announce the launch of the Contentstack Developer Hub, which we believe represents a significant leap forward in our customers' ability to empower developers on their composable journey with the tools they need to stand out in the market. Our new pioneering Developer Hub is thoughtfully designed to unleash your application development potential. What we’re excited about  In our various roles on the Contentstack Product Team, we have the honor of interacting with and getting to know leaders at all levels of business. Those experiences have made one thing crystal clear — it's not just incredible technology that drives monumental change within businesses; it's the exceptional people who utilize the game-changing tech in extraordinary ways. For instance, at Topgolf Callaway Brands, Earth Reiser, the Director of Strategy and Innovation, transformed their technology and business model from the inside out with the help of Contentstack and composable tech.  If interested, please take a listen to this episode of People Changing Enterprises to discover how Earth Resier leveraged Contentstack to bridge the gap between business and technology as she built out a robust composable strategy. There's one last thing. Please mark your calendars for ContentCon 2024 in Austin, TX, June 5-6, 2024. If you were able to attend last year or the year before, you know how transformative of an event ContentCon is — a time to come together, have a little fun, and, most importantly, learn from one another how to leverage composable technology best to get the edge on your competitors.