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API-first approach: Reshaping composable DXP landscapes

The Contentstack TeamApr 05, 20246 min read
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An API-first approach transforms a composable DXP, turning it into a flexible and efficient platform. Master the API-first strategy and its benefits for your business. Go API-first to reshape and future-proof your DXP. Request a free demo to try out a truly API-first composable DXP.


You’ll learn:

Why an API-first approach in composable DXP is a game changer.

  • Streamlined integration: Connects multiple systems to extend DXP functionality
  • Agility and flexibility: Enables you to adapt to market and technology shifts
  • Improved user experience: Tailors digital experiences to customer needs

The API-first approach in composable DXP represents a strategic shift towards more agile, integrated digital ecosystems. Explore how it can transform your DXP strategy. Request a free demo to get started.

Keep reading to learn more!

 Forbes reports that companies that adopted an API-first strategy grew their market capitalization by 12% more than those that did not, while a State of Enterprise APIs report states that 90% of executives consider an API-first approach to be mission-critical.

An API-first approach stands out as a pivotal strategy for businesses as it enables them to deliver agile and innovative digital solutions. But what is an API-first approach, and what does it have to do with a composable DXP? This blog takes a deep dive and provides the answers.

What is an API-first approach?

The API-first approach facilitates integration in composable DXPs, improves agility, enables scalability and promotes innovation. It prioritizes APIs in application development, ensuring that users can access all the functions of the software via API calls.

When a business opts for an API-first strategy, it begins the application development process by asking a few pertinent questions. For instance, what data would several stakeholders want to extract from the system? What features should the platform offer? What endpoints would be needed to make it happen?

Once the development team has reviewed these factors, they work with relevant stakeholders to define an API contract. Next, they build the API and then proceed to develop the user interface and the rest of the app.

API-first approach vs. traditional models


API-first approach

Traditional models


Modular and supports microservices approach

Monolithic, legacy system

Development process

You can work on the front and back ends at the same time.

You work in sequence, one part before the other.


Reusable units and parallel working lead to faster updates and releases.

Slower since developers work in sequence.

Developer experience

Enhanced by well-documented APIs and reusable content.

More challenging due to the monolithic structure.


Easy to scale. You can scale each unit independently.

It is not easy, as you need to scale to the entire app.


Easy integration makes it suitable for new technologies.

Less flexible to new tech. It may require redevelopment.

Set up cost

Higher due to API design.

Lower. Spread across development phases.

The role of API-first in composable DXP

Before discussing the role of API-first, it is essential to understand what a composable DXP is. A composable DXP is a flexible digital experience platform that combines various best-of-breed technology stacks from multiple vendors. They interact via APIs and microservices, using a headless approach.

Composable DXPs are modular. They enable you to adapt your customer journey based on current data quickly. It is a “select-what-you-need” SaaS platform that enables you to build flexible solutions to solve business problems.

Using an API-first approach in composable DXPs allows you to personalize content at scale, removes vendor lock-in issues, optimizes developer experience, and future-proofs your digital system.

Start your free trial with Contentstack today. Transform your brand's digital presence with Contentstack's open MACH architecture and industry-leading technology. Witness a significant reduction in publishing and development time, and elevate your content management. Start your free trial now.

Benefits of integrating API-first approach in composable DXP

An API-first approach offers two primary benefits: it extends your digital solutions to cater to your needs and that of your customers. It also ensures longevity, as you can add new units or integrate third-party solutions using APIs. 

Here are other benefits of the API-first approach in composable digital experience platforms.

Greater flexibility and scalability: Implementing an API-first strategy in digital platforms enables a business to update, replace or modify any part of the system without any impact on the whole system. 

Faster time-to-market: Its reusable APIs enable teams to develop products, new features, and updates faster. 

Easier integration with third-party services: An API-first strategy in a DXP promotes integration with third-party systems and services. That extends the function of the digital experience platform, making it easier to adapt to market changes.

Promotes omnichannel content: An API-first approach promotes uniform APIs, which facilitates consistent and unified content and digital experiences across all channels.

Promotes best-of-breed tech stack: It gives you the freedom to select a suite of digital solutions that suit your business needs. That way, it eliminates the need for vendor lock-in. 

API-first approach: Benefits of composable DXP

Implementing API-first strategy in digital platforms

Define API specifications early: Create the perfect foundation by defining the APIs from the start. Clarify the endpoints, data formats, and protocols. That way, you can align the teams to develop and integrate consistent APIs. 

Document the APIs: Document APIs, including examples, clear use cases, guides, and error handling. Also, ensure that the document is easily accessible and is easy to understand.

Secure the APIs: APIs are open by design, which makes them flexible. But it also means any developer can access them, including those with bad intentions. Hence, it is essential to define central API security protocols and embed security across the API lifecycle.

Provide support for developers: Developers are key stakeholders in the API-first process. Hence, ensure you set up adequate channels for support and to resolve issues. Such channels may include FAQs, forums, and direct support. 

Tools and technologies for API-first approach

An API-first approach relies on several essential tools to be successful. They include, but are not limited to, API design tools, such as OpenAPI/Swagger. Developers use API design tools to define API standards.

API Gateways, such as AWS API Gateway, act as a control point to manage and validate API traffic. API testing tools like Postman are used to test the function, performance and security of APIs. Other tools and technology include API documentation generators and identity and access management (IAM). 

MACH architecture: The backbone of API-first composable DXP

MACH is a technology principle that pushes for the use of modular and integrated technologies in digital solutions. It stands for microservices, API-first, cloud-native, and headless.

  • Microservices: These are collections of small, separate services that you can deploy, scale, and manage independently.
  • API-first: Develop APIs as a priority before building an app. APIs connect various services and functions, and you can integrate multiple services.
  • Cloud-native: SaaS platforms that leverage scalable cloud resources, including storage, hosting, and elastic scaling on demand. 
  • Headless: A headless architecture separates the front-end content layer from the back-end presentation layer, enabling endless integrations and content delivery across multiple platforms.

These qualities combined equip the digital experience platform to deliver the kind of personalized omnichannel experiences that are impossible with monoliths.

Overcoming challenges with API-first implementation

When implementing an API-first approach, there are a number of issues to consider, such as technical debt, cultural change and possible resistance to change. At times, a lack of expertise could also stand in the way.

It is essential to carry all stakeholders along in order to manage and solve these issues, outlining the goals and benefits of the change. It also requires adequate planning that covers all bases. It is also beneficial to use a phased approach to enable the team to get accustomed to the new system slowly. 

Finally, ensure there is adequate ongoing education as technology changes can be rapid, so it is essential that your team keeps up with any new trend that could affect your digital ecosystem.

Experience future-ready DXP with Contentstack. Contentstack, identified by Forrester's composable DXP award, is an industry leader for enterprises wanting to future-proof their digital strategy. Our high scores in vision and innovation speak for themselves. Request a demo to explore our best-in-class features.

Case studies


Despite its extensive digital solutions, Cartier still struggled to unify its platforms. Brand alignment was poor, and they did not have full control.

They turned to Contentstack to solve the problem. Its API-first DXP with a headless CMS and automation tools delivered strong brand alignment and omnichannel content delivery and boosted ROI on content assets.

This is what Anastasia Goglova, the Digital Lead, had to say. "The websites that are such a critical part of our digital portfolio are now more aligned and more performant. As a result, the customer digital experience of Cartier improves, reflecting our commitment to becoming a reference for luxury in all aspects."

Read more about how Cartier improved operational efficiency and brand integrity.

Dawn Foods

Before 2019, Dawn Foods took orders in person and via phone. There was a disconnect as the channels were not unified. They also need to integrate e-commerce to serve their retail bakery customers.

To address that, they signed up for Contentstack’s API-first DXP with a headless CMS. That enabled them to offer omnichannel experiences and boost online orders by 50%.

Hear from Gireesh Sahukar, Vice President of Digital. “Content updates in our site run 80% faster compared to a monolith CMS. In some cases, the content that could take up to a week to publish using a monolith CMS, we can publish in less than an hour with Contentstack.

Read more on how Dawn Foods found a recipe for success via an API-first DXP.

FAQ section

What is an API-first approach?

An API-first approach is a strategy where the focus is to develop APIs as the first and most critical step before an application is developed, thereby ensuring that digital solutions are modular and flexible.

Why is an API-first approach important for digital transformation?

An API-first approach enables easy integration and rapid innovation. It enables businesses to scale and adapt and also makes them flexible enough to work with multiple tech stacks while also enhancing developer experience.

How does an API-first approach contribute to building a composable DXP?

It aligns with the best-of-breed principle and allows for the creation of tailored digital experiences. You can integrate various systems, add new ones, or modify an existing one to deliver more value to your customers.

What are the challenges of adopting an API-first approach?

The cultural shift from a legacy system to an API-first approach may be hard to adjust to at first. There may also be issues with design and technical complexities, governance, and systems security.

How does an API-First approach enhance customer experience?

An API-first approach supports omnichannel content delivery. It unifies physical and digital channels, which enables businesses to harmonize and improve their offers, products, and customer experiences.

Can small businesses benefit from adopting an API-first strategy?

Yes. Small businesses can benefit from an API-first strategy. They can leverage it to build agile, flexible and scalable systems. That way, they save money and resources and develop a system that enables them to adjust to changes in their industry without too much investment.

Learn more

The API-first approach improves DXPs by extending its functions. That makes it possible for businesses to offer omnichannel content, adapt to change, and deliver great value. This enables them to get ahead of the competition.

Opting for an API-first approach in a DXP enables a business to build a flexible, scalable, and efficient digital experience platform. Going API-first with a composable DXP offers great benefits for transforming your business. Request a free demo today to see how it works.

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The Contentstack team comprises highly skilled professionals specializing in product marketing, customer acquisition and retention, and digital marketing strategy. With extensive experience holding senior positions in notable technology companies across various sectors, they bring diverse backgrounds and deep industry knowledge to deliver impactful solutions.  

Contentstack stands out in the composable DXP and Headless CMS markets with an impressive track record of 87 G2 user awards, 6 analyst recognitions, and 3 industry accolades, showcasing its robust market presence and user satisfaction.

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