Webinar | Fireside chat: Headless for FinTech, learning from an early adopter


As the demand for content and innovation grew at Ellie Mae, their traditional CMS required a developer’s intervention for even the simplest development changes. Migrating to Contentstack has given Ellie Mae’s content managers and developers newfound independence. Now, content managers are solely focused on managing content and developers have the time to innovate and build a better customer experience.

Contentstack Founder and CEO Neha Sampat sits down with Ellie Mae’s Director of Digital Experience, Auden Hinton, to discuss how Ellie Mae uses Contentstack to improve content delivery and decrease development cost.

Access the fireside chat to learn:

  • How Ellie Mae successfully pivoted their 3,500-person conference to an online experience
  • How they reduced their publishing process from 2 weeks to 2 minutes
  • How to measure the ROI of tools like a headless CMS

Complete the form to view our latest fireside chat.


Director of Digital Experience

Auden Hinton

Founder & CEO

Neha Sempat

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