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Star Ratings

Provides a star-rating system as an input field.

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Star Ratings

Provides a star-rating system as an input field.

Marketplace app info

To further enhance the business user experience, Contentstack provides prebuilt custom field extensions that let you extend the functionality of your custom fields to serve your unique business needs while providing a native Contentstack look and feel.

With Contentstack Custom Fields, you can now add a star rating system within your entries. By adding a Star Ratings custom field to your website, you can enhance the overall functionality.

Who can install

This Star Ratings app can be installed by:

  • Organization administrators
  • Stack administrators

Use Cases

Ratings provide a clear scale for comparison: You can easily compare options using the rating system before digging into further details.

Ratings and reviews create transparency and accountability: When reviews and ratings are easily visible to anyone in the marketplace, it shows transparency that strengthens the accountability of your business.


